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This project is a group project with the focus on creating or fulfilling a new need with a smart watch. After ideation and some trend/tech watching the team wanted to create a environmental watch. Meaning that we wanted to measure the surroundings of the watch to confirm that the user breath fresh air and are safe. So the team created a small prototype to test this.

The prototype are based on a Arduino board and we added a UV sensor to measure the UV radiation.


Then we added gas sensors to measure the air quality.

A display were than added to show the values of the sensors. The prototype were than taped to the arm and connected to a power bank to illustrate a smart watch. The watch were than tested on user and feedback were gathered. A lot of improvements will be done in this project but the next step is to develop a way to deliver the sensors values to the user in a understandable and value driven way.

Smart watch project: Tjänster

©2020 av Test 1. Skapat med

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